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  • BPAS comment on CQC “Well-Led” report

    The CQC has today published a report into the well-led aspects of the national BPAS service. This report raises some concerns around governance and oversight at our organisation centrally that we are taking action to address. 
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  • Formula Milk

    NICE draft guidance on intrapartum care for healthy women and babies

    Women and their babies deserve world-class, safe maternity care. The relatively high rate of stillbirth in this country remains a key concern, and must be addressed.
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  • Formula Milk

    Women’s healthcare charities urge “extreme caution” over study re: infant feeding method and SEN

    This study implies to women parenting children with special educational needs that how they fed them may explain their challenges. The reality is much more complex: boiling it down to feeding choices sends an offensive and unhelpful message around responsibility to mothers, and we urge extreme caution as to how the findings of this study are disseminated.
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  • Birth Rate

    BPAS comment on ONS conception rates

    ONS data shows that in 2021, the overall numbers of conceptions increased, but the rate of conceptions per 1,000 women of reproductive age is at its lowest level in 10 years.
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  • Paracetemol

    New study re: hormonal contraception – risk should always be presented in a way that contextualises it.

    A new study suggests use of any hormonal method slightly increases risk of breast cancer, but the absolute increase is small. Sixty years after the pill was introduced, we still are waiting for innovation in contraception, but abortion laws are holding research back.
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  • Parliament

    Safe Access Zones set to become law

    This evening, safe access zones around abortion clinics have passed their final parliamentary hurdle and are set to become law.
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