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  • Announcement

    BPAS Comment on RCOG Guidance

    Following the release of Guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists for healthcare professionals on involving the police following abortion and pregnancy loss, a BPAS spokesperson said:

    “Women who come to healthcare providers for an abortion need to have trust that their privacy and confidentiality will be respected."
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  • Announcement

    British Pregnancy Advisory Service Appoints Dr Patricia Lohr as Director of Research and Innovation

    British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) proudly announces Dr Patricia Lohr as Director of Research and Innovation, a newly established role within our leadership team.
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  • Parliament

    BPAS comment on withdrawal of charges in Middlesborough case

    Following the offering of no evidence by the prosecution in the case of a young woman in Teesside charged with ending her pregnancy, Rachael Clarke, Chief of Staff at the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), said:

    “We welcome the withdrawal of charges against a young woman in Teesside, and are delighted that this case will not proceed to an unnecessary and gruelling trial.
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  • Announcement

    BPAS to bid farewell to Chief Executive Clare Murphy after more than a decade transforming women’s reproductive rights and healthcare

    Our Chief Executive Clare Murphy is to leave us after 13 years furthering women’s reproductive rights and access to high quality healthcare at BPAS.
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  • Formula Milk

    BPAS Report Calls for Bold Measures to Tackle Surge in Formula Costs

    A new report released by reproductive choice charity British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) reveals the devastating impact the rising cost of formula milk is having on women and families. The report surveys over 1000 women, with 65% saying they feel anxious or worried by the cost of formula – which has risen by 25% over the last two years.
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  • Formula Milk

    25% hike in cost of infant formula shows need for urgent change

    CMA findings show that the cost of infant formula has risen by 25% in 2 years – a sharp increase against a cost of living crisis. The CMA plans further investigation, including exploring regulatory change, to establish how the market could work better for parents.
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