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Ongoing research projects

Research projects at BPAS are monitored by BPAS Research and Ethics Committee (REC), a sub-committee of the Clinical Governance Committee.

  • The role of the REC is to examine all proposals for research, audits or service evaluation involving clients, or materials derived from clients, which are to be carried out within BPAS units or with BPAS staff, and to ensure that such activities conform to generally accepted ethical principles and standards. The committee also provides advice on ethical issues that affect BPAS. Click to read BPAS’ Research and Ethics Committee Terms of Reference.
  • BPAS Research and Ethics Committee is a member of the Association of Research and Ethics Committees (AREC) and the National Research and Ethics Service reference group.

View our ongoing research projects below

We are collaborative partners with the University of Kent on the SeNSS PhD project: Communicating the risk of taking medicines to (potentially) pregnant women post-Montgomery: a socio-legal exploration which is being undertaken by Rachel Arkell.

This project aims to gain an understanding of the views and questions women have about alcohol and pregnancy as raised in online peer support forums. This aim is of particular importance given the recent UK press coverage of an emerging policy framework on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The project is funded by the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) and is a collaboration with Dr Lisa Schölin (PI, University of Edinburgh).

Following BPAS’ submissions (first submission) to the NICE Quality Standards FASD Consultation, with CPCS, the project After Choice: FASD and 'the managed woman' was formed. 

This project takes policies, guidance and healthcare practices about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) as its focus. It builds on previous research considering the ascendence of claims about the salience of the ‘precautionary principle’ for providing advice to women about alcohol and pregnancy. The full paper can be read here or a short briefing is available here

This project is a collaboration between Professor Ellie Lee (University of Kent) and CRRC’s Rachel Arkell. For more information please see the project webpage

The CRRC has further formed the ‘Alcohol and Pregnancy Research Network’ which welcomes academics and policy makers working in this area. Contact us for more information or to join the network.

In addition to these research projects we undertake several internal service evaluations per year, which are sometimes published and shared externally. If you’re interested in discussing these please get in touch: research@bpas.org

Person researching on laptop

Collaborate with us

If you are a student or a researcher with a project you would like to undertake and looking for a host organisation, do get in touch.

We have previously accepted students and fellows from Imperial College London, Kent University, Sussex University, Princeton University, Harvard Law School and Yale Law School.

Nurse with client

Research Projects

Read more about our ongoing, completed and collaborative research.

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Awards, grants and prizes

The Heather Trickey Essay Prize

This prize encourages work reflecting the contribution and commitment of Dr Heather Trickey to finding common ground in the field of women’s reproductive health and women’s rights.

By bringing together those of differing perspectives, we’ll develop innovative, practical policy solutions to difficult problems.

Peter Huntingford Memorial Prize

BPAS has endowed the Peter Huntingford Memorial Prize to mark the late Professor Peter Huntingford’s contribution to obstetrics and gynaecology. 

Midwife with documentation

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