Thank you so much for all your help and support, both in lessons with the YR 10s, and to developing my skills within SRE. (PS. I gave my very first SRE lesson today on relationships and it was brilliant!)
Having now read all the feedback post it notes I have lost count of the number of girls who said that they are now more informed, wiser, found the session really useful, had no idea of the range of contraceptives there were available, how to get free contraception, they now know how to get free and confidential advice and a few who said they would now wait! So, all in all a very productive day.
I don't think the TA who supports me in those lessons or myself were quite prepared for the level of interest, engagement and good behaviour we witnessed from the students that day. It was great to see and for me to know that the information they were given was absorbed, received and understood.
The day, overall, was really informative and it challenged my perception in a positive way. Also, knowledge of the post abortion counselling service was useful to know as well as the care provided around contraception advice and support.
I will be able to apply this new knowledge in practice
The contraception display cases are great, we're just starting to go back into schools and youth clubs now so they're getting some use. They've got everything in them! Thank you.