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Patient Safety Incident Response Framework

BPAS is changing the way we learn from those occasions when things don't go to plan, and where patients may be harmed as a result.

These are known as patient safety incidents.

A new approach, called the Patient Safety Incident Review Framework (PSIRF) is being introduced and will focus on:

  • compassionate engagement and involvement of patients, their loved ones and staff
  • new approaches to learning that look for all the complicated issues that are combining to cause risks
  • considered and proportionate responses when things go wrong
  • continuing to learn and evolve over future years.

Policy and Plan

We are required to publish two key documents to explain how we will meet the requirements of PSIRF - a PSIRF Policy and Plan.

BPAS Patient Safety Incident Response Framework Download
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework Policy 2024 Download Patient Safety Incident Response Framework Policy 2024
Patient Safety Incident Response Plan 2024 Download Patient Safety Incident Response Plan 2024