Please read each step carefully.
A single swab, like a cotton bud, is all we need from you to test for both chlamydia and gonorrhoea. Swabbing your vagina doesn’t hurt and only takes a few seconds to complete. Both chlamydia and gonorrhoea are easily treatable with antibiotics.
How to collect your swab sample?
Blood affects the accuracy of this test. Collect your swab sample before taking your abortion pills.
- Wash your hands before touching the swab.
- Part the skin folds around the vaginal opening (labia) with one hand and gently insert the swab inside the vagina about 5 cm (2 inches) or until you meet resistance. You may wish to raise one leg as you would to insert a tampon.
- Turn the swab in a gentle circular motion, rubbing it against the walls of the vagina for about 30 seconds.
- Open the tube – take care not to spill the liquid inside or touch the swab against anything.
- Place the swab into the tube with the cotton side facing down, until the dark line on the swab lines up with the top of the tube (the tip of the swab should be just above the liquid).
- Lean the swab against the tube rim to break it at the dark line. The swab will drop into the liquid.
- Replace the cap securely. Your pack contains a label printed with your name, date of birth and reference number, please check these details. If the sample date is not printed, write in the date the sample was taken. Place completed label onto the tube securely.
- If you are completing the test in clinic, please hand the completed test to the nurse.
Returning by Post: Place the labelled tube into the prepaid, addressed plastic mail bag. Peel the tab to reveal the sticky seal and close the mail bag. Post in any Royal Mail postbox as soon as possible.

The information collected about you is kept safe and secure. You have already agreed on your password and telephone number for your test results during booking or telephone consultation. You will need to quote your password when we check your identity to confirm it is safe to discuss your test results over the telephone.

Results are usually available within a week of the laboratory receiving the sample. If your results are negative (meaning you don’t have an infection), we will notify you as agreed by text. If your results are positive (meaning you have an infection) or your results are unclear (meaning they need to be repeated), we will either text you with instructions to call the results service or they will contact you. We can support you to notify your partner(s).
For more info about STIs visit: