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Meet the staff

Midwife smiling
Caring for women for more than 55 years.

For 55 years BPAS has been providing abortion care for women.

Come and meet the people supporting women every day.

I am a midwife and I work in abortion care because all pregnant women deserve safe and compassionate treatment.

Amy, Midwife Practitioner
To work with women who need our help in such a tough time of their lives, for whatever that reason is that has led them to our service, is a privilege.

Debbie, Lead Nurse
Abi And Amanda
We are both so proud to be able to provide support for women at such a vulnerable time.

Abi, Midwife Practitioner and Amanda, Client Care Coordinator
Every single client is different, and our clients don’t take the decision lightly to ring up and say ‘I want an abortion’. So I think it’s about not judging. Absolutely don’t judge, because you just don’t know people’s circumstances.

Sabby, Associate Director of Operations Client Support Services
Our service means that women have a choice, and once they’ve taken that choice they have people who are going to treat them well, who are going to be compassionate, who will feel empathy, and who will lead them through this whole process in a very humane fashion.

Marco, Doctor
From contraception to abortion to choices in childbirth, all our advocacy work is rooted in the belief that women should be trusted to make decisions about their own bodies and their own lives. That’s why I am proud to work for bpas.

Katherine, Associate Director of Communications & Campaign
Speaking to patients, you find out just how much it means to them, being able to have an appointment in a safe, non-judgmental environment. It's really reassuring for them.

Rachel, Doctor
Women need safe, non-judgemental, confidential services in order to make informed decisions. I have worked at bpas for many years and I'm proud to be part of an organisation that puts women first.

Marguerite, Complaints & Feedback Co-ordinator
I love working for BPAS because of the variety in my role and the family environment. The many comments we receive from women about our friendly, non-judgemental and caring staff make me very proud.

Karen, Development Manager
I am proud to work for bpas because I believe in a woman's fundamental right to autonomy over her own body. BPAS not only provides excellent clinical care, but also has a wider purpose of informing the public and policy makers on reproductive health issues and encouraging research in this area in order to improve women's lives.

Andrea, Nurse Practitioner
I love working for bpas as I get to care for women who really appreciate what we do. It upsets me at times when women are 'pleasantly surprised' by how nice we are. Women deserve good care, especially when seeking an abortion, as only that individual knows what is right for them.

Romaine, Nurse & Midwife Practitioner

50 years of choice for women… Fantastic.

Dorothy, Midwife Practitioner
100% pro-choice, 100% client focused… that’s the reason I have enjoyed working at bpas for 22 years

Paula, Treatment Unit Manager