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Feedback and Complaints

BPAS' Client Engagement Manager can help you 

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Information on how to give feedback is available at all clinics, in the Feedback and Complaints Policy leaflet and below. We will do everything we can to resolve your concerns or complaints and rectify mistakes. We use client feedback to evaluate, develop and improve our services. It is important for us to know what we do well, so that we continue to do it right.  We also want to know if things are not working quite as they should, so we can improve.


There are lots of ways to share your feedback

  • Speak to a senior member of staff or the clinic manager at any time - if your feedback is negative, this is often the best route to an immediate solution
  • Contact BPAS’ Client Engagement Manager call: 03453655050 or email: clientservices@bpas.org
  • Complete an online satisfaction survey (we will email the link if you have agreed that we may do so)
  • Rate your experience via www.nhs.uk


Making a formal complaint


Who can complain

Anyone can complain about their own personal treatment experience, or the care we gave to a friend or family member.  However we must protect our clients confidentiality and will not share information with relatives or friends without first obtaining the permission of our client. To give us the best opportunity to fully investigate your complaint, it should be made within 12 months of the incident or as soon as you become aware.  This time limit can sometimes be extended as long as it is still possible to investigate your complaint.  


How do I make a formal complaint

Write to: 

BPAS Client Engagement Manager,
Orion House,
2 Athena Drive,
Tachbrook Park,
Leamington Spa,
CV34 6RQ

or email: clientservices@bpas.org

The person treated must sign the letter, for us to check their identity and protect their privacy. 

If it is difficult for you to make a written complaint, you can make a verbal statement.  This will be typed up and sent to you to confirm it is an accurate record (by signing and returning it).  Telephone: 03453655050 for assistance

If your complaint relates to an information breach, or an alleged information breach, it will be  reported to the BPAS Data Protection Officer immediately.

Bpas Formal Complaints Process Flowchart

If your treatment was self funded

Citizens Advice may offer information and advice on how to complain www.citizensadvice.org.uk


If your treatment was funded by the NHS

You could make a formal complaint to your local Clinical Commissioning Group.  Contact details can be found at www.nhs.uk (or ask a BPAS staff member).  Your local Healthwatch offers free independent advice too. See www.healthwatch.co.uk for details, email: enquiries@healthwatch.co.uk or telephone 0300683000

GPs, Commissioners or health professionals can make a complaint on behalf of the patient. The complaint will be dealt with in accordance with the standard complaints process outlined in the flowchart above. 


If you are still not satisfied

  • NHS funded clients can refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.   Millband Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Telephone 03450154033.
  • Private clients can refer the matter to the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service), 70 Fleet Street, London, EC4 1EU. Email: info@iscas.org.uk.  Telephone 0207536 6091
  • Welsh clients can refer the matter to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, 1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae, Pencoed, CF35 5LJ.  Telephone 0300 790 0203