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Summit on access to abortion in Scotland

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08 February 2023

Clare Murphy, Chief Executive of BPAS, the UK’s largest abortion care charity, said:

“We were pleased to join yesterday’s summit on abortion care in Scotland, which was convened by Nicola Sturgeon.

We welcome the commitment from the First Minister to pursue buffer zones legislation to protect women and clinicians from anti-abortion protest activity outside clinics. For years, groups have been allowed to harass and intimidate women seeking legal healthcare, and the healthcare professionals providing this care. We are set to have safe access zones in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland in the coming months, and it is right that politicians offer the same level of protection for women in Scotland.  40 Days for Life is a period of intensified anti-abortion clinic harassment, and we are pleased that the First Minister has recognised the need to get buffer zones in place for women and clinic staff before the next campaign.

At a time when reproductive rights are under attack in many other countries, it is vital that the UK is a beacon for women’s reproductive choice. With a clear commitment to improve women’s ability to access abortion care in dignity, Scotland appears to be on course to do just that.”



For further information, please contact Katherine O’Brien, BPAS Associate Director of Campaigns and Communications, on katherine.o’brien@bpas.org or 07881 265276.

About BPAS

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service, BPAS, is a charity that sees over 100,000 women a year for reproductive healthcare services including pregnancy counselling, abortion care, miscarriage management and contraception at clinics across Great Britain.

BPAS exists to further women’s reproductive choices. We believe all women should have the right to make their own decisions in and around pregnancy, from the contraception they use to avoid pregnancy right the way through to how they decide to feed their newborn baby, with access to evidence-based information to underpin their choices and high-quality services and support to exercise them. 

BPAS also runs the Centre for Reproductive Research and Communication, CRRC. Through rigorous multidisciplinary research and impactful communication, the CRRC aims to inform policy, practice, and public discourse. You can find out more here.