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Corporate Governance

What is Corporate Governance?

Corporate governance is the system by which board-led organisations, including Charities, are directed and controlled at its most senior levels, in order to achieve its objectives and meet the necessary standards of accountability and probity. Effective corporate governance, along with clinical governance, is essential for BPAS to achieve its clinical, quality and financial objectives.

Corporate governance is largely about how the Board conducts its business and is separate from day-to-day operational management carried out by the executive directors and senior management team.

The ‘Charity Governance Code' observed by the Charity Commission for England and Wales is the authoritative point of reference regarding charity governance in the UK. It is not mandatory that Charities sign up to this code, but there is an ‘accept or explain’ expectation meaning it is expected that charities accept these standards or explain why they have deviated from them.

BPAS follows the standards of the Charity Governance Code.

This committee will maintain an overview of financial matters within the organisation. This will include consideration of budgets and financial reports. It also has responsibility for Human Resource issues, policies and procedures, risk management and other related matters. The committee consists of a Chair, at least 3 trustees, the CEO, Deputy CEO, Director of Risk and Governance, IT Director, Director of Marketing and Innovation, Director of Operations and Director of HR. It meets at least four times per annum.

This Committee will meet at least once per annum as the Audit Committee to receive and consider external audit reports and ensure a rolling programme of internal audit covering areas of perceived risk is in place.

This committee is responsible for setting information governance strategy, defining IG policy and procedures and monitoring the service in relation to adherence to IG policy and procedures. Information Governance is an initiative introduced by the NHS Information Authority, to provide a framework for organisations and individuals to ensure that information is dealt with legally, securely, effectively and efficiently to deliver the best possible healthcare service.

The board of trustees hold ultimate responsibility for ensuring BPAS fulfils its organisational/charitable purpose though effective leadership which demonstrates honesty, openness, and integrity. The board focuses on BPAS’ decision making, and risk management and control to assure the resilience of BPAS.

This is a sub-committee of the board of trustees. It assesses aspects of the organisation such as the board of trustees’ effectiveness, benchmarking employee pay, defining procedures for appointing new board members and leadership succession plans.

The Chief Officers are a team of experts in their individual fields who support our Chief Executive to set strategic direction for BPAS.