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About BPAS

We are an independent healthcare charity which, for more than 55 years, has been advocating and caring for women and couples who decide to end a pregnancy.

I have never known such caring or empathic people. I was overwhelmed by both their kindness and their knowledge. They made the whole situation seem so manageable and they spoke to me in the most beautiful, respectful manner. Genuinely bowled over by the service they provide, it’s phenomenal.
BPAS client, August 2023

High-quality, woman-centred care

We are an independent healthcare charity which, for more than 55 years, has been advocating and caring for women and couples who decide to end a pregnancy.

Nearly all of the women we see have their care paid for by the NHS. We are the leading specialists of abortion advice and treatment in the UK, taking care of more than 100,000 women each year in over 55 reproductive healthcare clinics nationwide.

In addition to abortion advice and treatment we provide pregnancy testing, counselling, Sexually Transmitted Infection screening, contraception, and vasectomy through our network of reproductive healthcare centres. We also provide specialist contact centre services to the NHS such as Central Booking Services to speed up access to abortion treatment across a range of NHS and agency providers. 

Our service is respected for its quality of care, delivered by highly trained staff who are sensitive and non judgemental. Our registered charity number is 289145 under our full name 'British Pregnancy Advisory Service'. All income generated from our services is invested in UK services and advocacy work

Advocating on behalf of the women we care for

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is committed to protecting and extending women’s reproductive rights and choices.

We believe women are best placed to make their own decisions about contraception, pregnancy, abortion and birth. Women deserve evidence-based information on which to make their choices and we campaign for comprehensive reproductive healthcare services to enable them to exercise those choices.

Supporting pregnancy choices. Trusting women to decide.

What we stand for

Our ambition

A future where every woman can exercise reproductive autonomy and is empowered to make her own decisions about pregnancy.

Our purpose

To remove all barriers to reproductive choice and to advocate for and deliver high quality, woman-centred reproductive health care

Our values

  • Compassionate - we listen to women and deliver services to meet their needs. We build relationships with those we care for based on empathy, dignity and respect
  • Courageous - we are the voice of the women we care for and are never afraid to advocate on their behalf, particularly when others are silent. We are at the forefront of innovation in clinical care and campaign tirelessly for the services women need
  • Credible - we act with integrity.  Everything we do is evidence-based and ethical, informed by our knowledge and understanding of the needs of the women we serve
  • Committed to women's choice - we believe that women are best placed to make their own decisions in pregnancy, with access to evidence-based information to inform those choices, and the services they need to exercise them

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