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Most women's abortion treatment is paid for by the NHS

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97% of the women we see, have their treatment paid for by the NHS (or another government department). To assess your eligibility, we need your address and the name and address of your GP. Telephone us to see if your treatment can be funded by the NHS.

Prices quoted are for those who chose to be treated privately. They are an indication of what you can expect to pay, the precise charge will be discussed at booking and confirmed at your consultation.  

Abortion Services Initial Consultation (£/€) Treatment Price (£/€)

Total Payable (£/€)

Under 10 weeks (Abortion Pill only) £175 / €230 £325 / €430 £500 / €660
Surgical up to 14 weeks £175 / €230 £1010/ €1340 £1185 / €1570
Surgical 14-18 weeks £175 / €230 £1200/ €1600 £1375 / €1830
Surgical 19-24 weeks & Medical 11-24 weeks £175 / €230 £2085 / €2770 £2260 /  €3000
Contraception Services


Emergency hormonal contraception

  • Levonelle
  • ellaOne


£10 / €10

£15 / €20

Depo Provera supply and inject £30 / €40
Sayana® Press £30 / €40
IUCD supply and fit £60 / €80
NuvaRing contraceptive vaginal ring (3 month supply) £50 / €60
LARC supply and fit £150 / €190
LARC removal £100 / €120
Patch (EVRA) supply £25 / €30
Other Services


Chlamydia screening and consultation

£30 / €40
Post operative counselling for BPAS client FREE
Post Operative Counselling (if not treated by BPAS) £75 / €100
Pregnancy testing FREE
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BPAS is a registered charity which charges the minimum needed to provide a high quality service. Any surplus generated is reinvested in the business to improve our services and further our charitable aims.

BPAS offers special prices for women from the Republic of Ireland, and the Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey) - Click for details. 

Pills by post is available to women from England and Wales. 

If you are from Europe and need help to access abortion care in the UK - you may wish to consult the Abortion Support Network

BPAS is pleased to receive payment by the following methods:


  • Cash (Sterling or Euros)
  • Visa/Mastercard/Delta/Maestro cards only. Card payments are taken in £ Sterling. The Euro price charged is determined by the exchange rate applied by your bank
  • BPAS does not accept American Express
  • BPAS cannot accept payment via Apple Pay or Google Wallet.  Please ensure you have your physical card with you, or can access your banking app to provide full card number, expiry date and CVV number

Some smaller units may not be able to receive payment by card, please check when booking.