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Pregnancy remains

If you choose to take the pregnancy remains away with you after treatment – it is important that you understand the following information.

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Fetal Remains

You may take the fetal remains away at any gestation and regardless of treatment type and make your own arrangements for them. This may include arranging a private service, burial or cremation. If you wish to take the remains away, we will place them in a container, which is opaque (you cannot see through it) and water-tight. The fetal remains will be inserted into the container in a bag made of biodegradable material.

Contact details for more information and advice

The clinic can provide you with advice and contact details of funeral directors, cemeteries or crematoria.

Other organisations and authorities which can offer advice include:

  • Pregnancy counselling icon

    Sands (stillbirth and neonatal death charity)

    Visit Website
    Call: 020 7436 5881

  • Pregnancy counselling icon

    National Association of Funeral Directors

    Visit Website
    Call: 0845 230 1343

  • Pregnancy counselling icon

    British Humanist Association (BHA)

    Visit Website
    Call: 020 7324 3060

  • Pregnancy counselling icon

    Natural Death Centre

    Visit Website
    Call: 01962 712 690

  • Pregnancy counselling icon

    Environment Agency

    Visit Website
    Call: 03708 506 506